Download heliconia psittacorum viridi
Download heliconia psittacorum viridi

In addition, many thousands of species are grown as ornamentals in parks, public and private gardens, as avenue trees and for shade and shelter. Approximately, plant species have been used by the people of tropical countries and up to species have been used in traditional medicines (Heywood 1993).

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Globally, tens of thousands of species of higher plants and several hundred lower plants are currently used by humans for a wide variety of purposes as food, fuel, fiber, oil, herbs, spices, industrial crops and as forage and fodder for domesticated animals. We all including animals are totally dependent on plant diversity directly or indirectly for not only food energy but also for all necessity of daily life. Key words: Plant diversity, Dhaka University, Campus Introduction Plant diversity is essential base of most of our terrestrial ecosystem. Such species are Corypha taliera, Podocarpus nerifolia, Mangifera sylvatica, Willoughbia edulis, Hydnocarpus kurzii, Gloriosa superva, Entada redii, Hedychium coccinium and Vandopsis gigantea. The survey spotted the presence a number of threatened species of Bangladesh in the gardent of the campus.

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The result showed that 59% plant species represented by native species whereas 41% plant species represented by exotics. Plant species recorded in the campus categorized into different purpose groups. Among the recorded species, 37% are represented by herbs, 29% by trees, 21% by shrubs, 11% by climbers, 2% by epiphytes and 0.2% by parasites. Euporbiaceae is the largest family in the Dicotyledon having 26 species whereas Liliaceae is the largest family in Monocotyledon having 18 species. Species presentation in the families varied from 1 to % species belongs to 16 families and 53% species belongs to others 101 families. For each species local name, scientific name, family and habit have been provided. These species are assigned to 117 families. A total of 541 plant species have been recorded from the campus area. ABUL HASSAN Department of Botany, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Abstract The present article focuses the status of plant diversity of Dhaka University campus. 42(1): 49-68, June 2016 PLANT DIVERSITY OF DHAKA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, BANGLADESH MOHAMMAD ZASHIM UDDIN 1 AND MD.

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